We have all heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and to be sure, everyone has their own specific tastes, preferences, tendencies, and opinions. But there are a few different forms of art that will at least catch the eye of each person who happens by them, and elicit some form of reaction or another. Glass paintings fall into that category of things with the ability to capture attention. Not all art exhibitions will have this type of work, which is perhaps why they are so enticing to look at.
The unique qualities of artists and their art
Contemporary glass art, of course, could have designs and functions as unique as their creators. Even if you were to attend several different art events featuring glass paintings, you would find that though certain styles may align, they are all quite different, and as they should be. Glass artists, or any type of artist for that matter, has a duty to release what is within them as well as their personal interpretation of the world around them. As no two people are alike, least of all the brilliant and creative minds of our species, the vast field of glass blowing, be it mold blowing or free blowing, produces vastly varied results.
The history of glass paintings and other glass works
Today, artists have the option of buying the materials they need at different stages of the creative process, depending on what they intend to use it for. Some artists may be involved from the very beginning, well versed in all things glass, such as the fact that it takes temperatures of about 2,400 degrees Fahrenheit in order to create, mold, and transform the raw materials that will eventually wind up as glass. The true professionals know that more than 90% of glass that is in use these days is enriched with lime. But where did it all begin? How did it develop?
We find that answer all the way back in the 1st century BC, when the Roman Empire was being established. Glassblowing was invented during this time, and this new, odd, almost magical technology helped to boost the empire to power and a place of dominance. Fast forward to 1962, when a professor of ceramics named Harvey Littleton joined Dominick Labino, who was an engineer and a chemist, to hold a couple of workshops at the Toledo Museum of Art, birthing the studio glass movement. During their workshops, the brilliant minds collaborated in experimentation with the melting of glass. They worked with a modest-sized furnace to produce glass that was blown into works of art.
Art in the modern world
In today’s world, the concept of art is more subjective than ever. With worlds of knowledge at our fingertips, a mere touch of a screen or quick push of a button can connect us to things we’ve never before seen or perhaps even imagined. This, however, includes all forms of art, that not everyone understands or appreciates. So coming across pieces that inspire awe and wonder in everyone who lays eyes on them is a truly magical experience. And the world is changing. The majority of art collectors, at 71%, have made purchases online of some type of art or another. The technology that continues to bring the world together can also expand the minds of those being connected, as more and more people are exposed to the beauty that artists have to offer.
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