How Regular Dance Lessons Can Improve Your Health

Charleston ballroom dance

Have you ever wanted to learn to dance? Anyone can dance, but to really reap the benefits it might be helpful to learn one of the types of ballroom dances. The phrase “ballroom dance” encompasses about 10 different partnered styles. If you are unfamiliar with these, don’t worry. With a little more information, you may find the confidence to seek out a nearby dance studio to begin your training.

The Types of Ballroom Dances, Both International and American.

Yes, America has its own category within the dance world. The difference between an International style dance and American style is that in the former, the dance partners must be in physical contact with each other throughout the entire dance. The latter allows for the dancers to be in contact for a few steps, then drift away while still performing in unison, and then coming back together. It’s a connect-disconnect quality that is allowed in one style but not the other. This distinction must be made, as there are many dances that appear on both lists.

    The International List: Standard and Latin.

      Quick Step
      Viennese Waltz
      Paso Double

The American List: Smooth and Rhythm.

    Viennese Waltz

Now, perhaps the variances between dances matters little to you. It’s likely that the types of ballroom dances are too numerous, as you’ll be taking dance lessons solely for an upcoming wedding. The point is not to overwhelm you, but to educate on the many options one has when learning a ballroom dance. Essentially, it is not all dramatic piano riffs and sweeping ball gowns, although that image does closely aligns with one of the dances from the International Standard category. Simply put, dance should feel accessible to everyone.

The Many Benefits of Regulated Dancing: Social, Physical, Mental.

Physical. Dancing is a form of exercise. On average, a 150 pound individual will likely burn about 240 calories every hour they spend sashaying. Compare that to the roughly 230 calories that same person might burn by walking on a flat surface for a similar amount of time. The difference is negligible, but the amount of fun between the two is not.

Social. Many people find that it is easier to work out when you have a buddy keeping you accountable. Dancing is no different. For one, you have your dance partner, and for those who take dance classes there is the bonus of spending time in a group with similar interests and goals. Frankly, it can be a great way to meet new people.

Mental. Physical activity is important for brain health, but did you know that listening to music can also provide stress relief? When bodily movement is combined with music, you get an excellent method for releasing stress. Some professionals insist it is nearly as good as meditating in terms of helping you calm your thoughts.

The average adult does not get enough regular physical activity. The government’s daily recommendation is still 30 minutes a day. Why not spend that time dancing a few times a week? If you are shy and would prefer not to go to a dance club, there is the choice of taking a class or learning at home. Either way, you’ll be on your way to a healthier, more relaxed you.

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