When people go shopping, they’re usually focused on what’s inside a particular package. Even though a package’s contents may be the ultimate goal for making a purchase, the way in which these products are packaged does make an impact. Since this is the case, it’s important for businesses to focus on promoting their product lines through unique packaging.
The Results of a Consumer Insight Study
Consumer studies can provide valuable information for all types of businesses. According to the 2016 West Rock Consumer Insights Study, for example, 66% of the participants indicated that they chose to use a new product because it was in an eye-catching package. The study respondents also revealed that the way in which a product was packaged played a significant role in their overall satisfaction. In fact, it was extremely important in this regard for 26% of the respondents.
Increase Consumer Interest With Unique Packaging
Most purchase decisions are made when shoppers read product packages. It’s not surprising that a recent survey showed that 85% of shoppers will make a decision to purchase a particular product based on what they read on the package or label. When a package’s contents are clearly delineated, consumers are able to decide if this is the product they want or need. This may also make a difference in whether or not they choose to purchase their usual brand or a competitor’s.
It’s clear that packaging does make a difference with consumer interest. When businesses pay close attention to this, they have noted a 30% increased interest in their product. As a result, there’s an excellent chance that this has also led to increased sales.
Learn More About Custom Packaging for Your Product Lines
Since you want your brand’s package design to catch the eye, there’s an excellent chance that you’ve considered custom packaging. If your company produces pet food, for example, you want to have distinctive packages and informative labels. Pet food packaging for birds, pet food packaging for cats, pet food packaging for dogs, as well as pet treat packaging can all be custom-designed to highlight your brand.
If you’re in the pet food or pet treat business, just imagine your sales increasing with unique custom packaging. Americans spent $69.51 billion on their pets in 2017. Since there’s an excellent chance that they’ll spend even more this year, you want your brand to be the one they choose.