You need large quantities of documents and pages to be destroyed. This YouTube video “Proshred San Diego – Document destruction and paper shredding services – The Shredding Process,” describes the shredding process as well as the advantages of using the services of Proshred San Diego. Find out more!
The company takes your papers and put your pages into a container. After the container has been filled and it’s empty, it’s put in the machine that can destroy all your documents in a matter of seconds. A truck could carry 10,000 pounds of paper to be shredded. A tiny shredding machine will require much more time to cut that amount.
But the great benefit for using a company is the way it works after cutting the paper. They will then recycle the materials, which is a significant advantage. Much of this material will be sent to China for toilet paper that is low-quality and various other papers-based items.
The rest of the video to get more details about what happens inside the shredding trucks. It is important to make use of a service instead of trying to accomplish this in your office as it’s more efficient and better for the environment.